Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Pathobiology,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

2 Private Veterinary Practitioner, Arak, Iran


Forty-one wild sheep (Ovis ammon orintalis) from Kabodan Island of National Park of Urmia Lake (North-West of Iran), were examined during a period of six months from October 2002 to March 2003, for helminthes and coccidian infection. The numbers of oocyst and eggs per gram of faeces (OPG & EPG) were determined by the centrifuge flotation technique using saturated sugar solution. The rate of infection for Strongylid form, Marshalagia, Trichuris eggs, and lung worm larvae were 8 (19.5%), 12 (29.5%), 17 (41.5%) and 14 (34.1%), respectively. Thirty-three (80.48%) of the examined wild animals were infected to one or more Eimeria species including E. parva, E. ahsata, E. ovinoidalis and E. faurei. This study suggested that the rate of parasitic infection in wild sheep were very low but it would seem that in unsuitable condition such as drought and starvation, parasitic infection can be cause a serious problem in wild sheep population.


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